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saffron prices in Ghana

What is the price of saffron per kilogram in ghana today?

The retail price range for ghana saffron is between US$ 1800 and US$ 2800 per kilogram. Click here to see today’s exact prices of saffron in ghana.

The retail price range in ghana saffron is between 45200 GHS and 48200 GHS in Accra.

Wholesale prices

In February 2025, The retail price range for ghana saffron is between US$ 1600 and US$ 2800 per kilogram.

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ghana saffron Export Prices – Historical, Trends and Prediction

ghana does not have any export records related to the current produce based on our database.

ghana saffron Import Prices – Historical, Trends and Prediction

Do you know how Ghana as an African country connected to Europe? The answer is historical and warlike. The connection of Africa and Europe as two continent goes back to the slavery era. African countries were virgin and full of minerals. The most favorite minerals in Ghana are the gold minerals. The first European country that entered Ghana and started to work in the Gold minerals of Ghana was Portuguese in 15th century. After years, German, Dutch, and England entered this country and used its gold minerals. After centuries, world stopped the slavery and the era of slavery ended. European countries forced to leave the colonized countries like Ghana, but the world still needs minerals. Due to these demands real trades started. Hence, saffron entered Africa and especially Ghana by merchants.

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ghana saffron Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes

You can buy saffron in bulk or retail. Usually, industries and restaurants buy this expensive spice in bulk. Saffron has cheaper price in bulk than the retail. If you want to pay less, you can buy the saffron that you would use during a year once and wholesale. Fortunately, saffron has a great shelf life, if you store it in the desired conditions. These conditions are not hard. Keep your saffron in an airtight container in a dark, cold, and dry place. It is better to choose a metal or glass airtight container. You can find saffron in Ghana in 2024 and buy if for the price range of 45,200 to 47, 670 GHS per kilogram for wholesale. Also, you can buy this luxurious spice for the price range of 144 GHS to 500 GHS in retail.
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